In the subject line, write "Convert" and nothing more.Address the email to your Kindle email.From your smartphone or PC, compose a new email and attach the PDF file you wish to send to your Kindle.If you're unsure, follow the steps in this guide to obtain the Kindle email address and come back here. Your Kindle email is different than the email address associated with your Amazon account. Here's how to do it.īefore we begin, you'll need to find out your Kindle email address to which you'll send your PDF file. You just email your PDF file to Amazon, and it does the heavy lifting, converting your file into EPUB format and then automatically sending it to your Kindle device and your digital library. The easiest and fastest way to convert a PDF to an ebook format that your Kindle can understand is using Amazon's Send to Kindle service. The easiest way: Use Amazon's Send to Kindle service Tap on the file to open it > enter the password to unlock the document > tap on the three-dots icon present in the top-right corner > select Change Password and tap Remove Password. From the main menu, open the Files folder and locate the PDF file you want to remove the password from. Let us walk you through the best options and tools to get the job done. Download and install PDF Expert on your iPhone. Kobra Libra 3: Best 2-in-1 E-reader & PDF reader 4. Lenovo Yoga C740: Best Tablet for Reading, Editing and Annotating PDFs 3.
Kindle Paperwhite: Best Tablet for PDF Reading 2.
You can have Amazon convert it for you or get the help of third-party apps or online tools. From inexpensive tablets for reading pdf filesto the highest-end ones, nothing has been left out of our review. When it comes to converting PDFs to ebooks, you have multiple options at your hand.